brainstorming for the UDS-N session list

Allison Randal allison at
Tue Sep 28 20:28:49 BST 2010

UDS-N is just around the corner. We're starting to build up the list of
sessions to schedule, and want to collect community thoughts on where to
focus in 11.04. As usual, there's far more to talk about than we can fit
in one week, and far more possibilities to work on than we can fit in
one 6 month cycle. Your input is enormously valuable, to highlight areas
and issues that will have the biggest impact across the whole community,
and sort by priority.

To help conversation flow (and help the track leads focus on their
topics) I'll kick off a separate email thread for each planned track,
explaining what it's about, so you can hang your comments on that
thread. The UDS team has taken a different approach to the schedule this
year, and instead of tracks organized by teams (Desktop, Server, etc)
they'll be organized by themes (
Hopefully, this will inspire a lot of healthy cross-pollination of ideas
and people.

Thanks for the advance participation in UDS!

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