2010-09-24, Ubuntu Release Meeting Agenda
Robbie Williamson
robbie at ubuntu.com
Fri Sep 24 15:56:11 BST 2010
On Fri, 2010-09-24 at 11:57 +0100, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Matthew East wrote on 24/09/10 08:44:
> >...
> > A particular bug I am interested in isn't on the agenda although it is
> > of High importance and is milestoned to maverick - I suspect that is
> > because it does not have a maverick bug task. I don't know why that is
> > the case, nor am I able to nominate it for fixing in Maverick,
> > possibly because it has already been declined. I was always under the
> > impression that the "nominate for release" task was not used for the
> > current development release, because that was used only for SRU update
> > bugs. I thought that it was sufficient to milestone a bug to maverick
> > in order to get it onto the release team's radar. Is that incorrect?
> >...
> "Series, releases, and milestones overlap confusingly"
> <http://launchpad.net/bugs/174468>
So yes..it is confusing, but that's why we have a release manager ;).
If there is a bug that you feel is not being highlighted...tell the
release manager (in this case me and Kate Stewart). We can then take
appropriate action.
Robbie Williamson robbie at ubuntu.com
Ubuntu robbiew[irc.freenode.net]
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