Ubuntu 10.10 Quality Bug Status Report - 21 September 2010

Marjo Mercado marjo.mercado at canonical.com
Wed Sep 22 04:58:42 BST 2010

Hello Ubuntu Developers,

17 days left and 147 bug tasks to fix. [1]
Barring no new work, we need to fix 8 bug tasks per day now.

The focus of bug fixing should be on the following tasks:

1. The 3 Critical bug tasks. [2]

[armel] java fails to start with eglibc-2.12-0ubuntu4
grub does not appear to load after maverick post-beta install
upowerd crashed with SIGSEGV in dbus_connection_send()

2. The 9 bug tasks that might cause a regression in Maverick. [3]
3. The 45 High bug tasks. [4]

The Canonical Foundations Team needs to deal with 5 bug tasks.
Chris Halse Rogers is the most overtasked with 5 bug tasks.
Colin Watson is rockin' with 41 bug tasks fixed!
Tuesday's hero was Jonathan Riddell with 7 bug tasks fixed!

Thank you for your focus on quality.


Marjo F. Mercado
Ubuntu QA Team Manager
W: (917) 338-6551
IRC: marjo

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