UDS Prep: Making it easier to fix bugs

Jonathan Lange jml at canonical.com
Thu Oct 21 18:26:31 BST 2010

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 2:42 PM, Daniel Holbach
<daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> at UDS I'd like to discuss how we can make it easier to fix bugs,
> especially for new contributors.
> I documented the steps that are necessary at
>        http://people.canonical.com/~dholbach/Fixing%20a%20bug.png

> When I looked at the resulting diagram I realised how incredibly hard it
> is for new contributors to just "do the right thing".
> What can we do to make this easier?
> (If there's a mistake in the diagram or something missing, please let me
> know and I'll fix it.)

Thanks for looking into this Daniel. I'll be keen to attend the session.

It sounds like there are two areas to tackle:
  1. How to make fixing a bug less confusing / more automated / less work
  2. How to reduce the total amount of time between "I want to fix
this bug" and "Fix published in Ubuntu"

For the second area, I think another helpful diagram would be more
like a timeline, with boxes for when people are doing something useful
(e.g. doing a review, 1hr), and arrows between the boxes for when
nothing useful is happening (e.g. waiting for review, 7d).


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