UDS Prep: Making it easier to fix bugs

Bryce Harrington bryce at canonical.com
Fri Oct 15 19:58:58 BST 2010

On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 02:15:09AM +0900, Emmet Hikory wrote:
> >        http://people.canonical.com/~dholbach/Fixing%20a%20bug.png
> A) Break down the process of finding a bug to having the fix as far
> upstream as makes sense into lots of little steps, and encourage
> newcomers to pick some step and repeat it for N bugs.  This makes the
> barrier to entry for any of the steps fairly low, and lets someone
> contribute effectively quickly.

100% agreed.  Shield new contributors from the icky process-heavy bits
that kicks in once a patch is in hand, and focus making it really easy
and convenient for them to go from bug->understanding->patch.


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