brainstorming for UDS-N - Package Selection and Defaults

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Thu Oct 7 16:22:17 BST 2010

"Matthias Klose" <doko at> wrote:

>On 04.10.2010 01:33, Scott Kitterman wrote:
>> On Tuesday, September 28, 2010 03:47:04 pm Allison Randal wrote:
>>> The Package Selection and Defaults track is about choosing the
>>> best-of-breed packages (applications, libraries, etc), a common task
>>> across all editions of Ubuntu. It includes considering the viability of
>>> up-and-coming new software, the decline of end-of-life packages, the
>>> risks and gains of upgrades and migrations.
>>> What's high on your list for this area?
>>> Allison
>> Python 2.7 by default for Python (and possibly drop Python 2.6 if the
>> transition goes well).
>> I'd like to see Python 2.7 default when the archive opens and then assess near
>> feature freeze if we can drop 2.6 support or not.
>I don't think this is a good idea to start with it as the new default.  For the 
>last release in the 2.x series it's important to finally get our 
>robust-python-packaging spec implemented. that means:
>  - no symlinking in configure scripts
>  - all .py files distributed in the package, not created at configure time
>  - use of a unique site directory.
>we should start with 2.7 as supported version.

What's the criteria for switching and when do we do it?

>> I'd like to see us support Python3 3.1 and 3.2 with a decision for what's
>> default near feature freeze.
>I plan to add the 3.2rc1 to the supported versions (planned for Dec 12), and 
>make 3.2 the default after Jan 16 (the planned 3.2 release).
>> The Python part of this can't wait until UDS to decide.
>what is the non-Python part?
The Python3 part.

Scott K

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