brainstorming for UDS-N - Package Selection and Defaults

Matthias Klose doko at
Thu Oct 7 14:10:20 BST 2010

On 04.10.2010 02:30, Robert Collins wrote:
> It would be really nice, as a 'runs unpackaged stuff on the distro'
> use case, to support the highest python version on one LTS as a
> non-default on the next LTS, consistently.

No. why ship 2.6 with the next LTS? Why keep ~20MB on each CD which is not used? 
  If this is needed for developers, then you could provide something like this 
in a PPA, which is continuously updated.

> As it is users have to migrate *both* the platform and the
> python-version of their code simultaneously, and this tends to be
> tricky.

I doubt that *users* care. More, this is the default behaviour for almost any 
shared library, there not something special about it.  But if you are supportive 
to add 3.2 to lucid, sure 3.2 will be supported in the next LTS.
I do not intend to have four python version in the archive until the next release.


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