brainstorming for UDS-N - Application Developers

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at
Wed Oct 6 14:25:24 BST 2010

Hash: SHA1

Krzysztof Klimonda wrote on 05/10/10 16:04:
> But yes, we could make the process easier - there actually has been
> some work being done on this front in Debian. The DEP-5 proposal
> (machine readable debian/copyright) would also make it possible to
> generate copyright file from the IDE - most projects are fairly simple
> in license terms anyway.

It would also let Ubuntu Software Center be more specific than just
saying "License: Open source".

>> Any sufficiently large collection of things is subject to Sturgeon's
>> Revelation. But iOS and Android customer growth speaks for itself.
> But are they growing because of tens of thousands applications
> available or because both are that much better than their competitors
> and both get an enormous media campaigns?

Those are mutually reinforcing factors.

> Yes, we need more great applications. But are we going to get them only
> by making publishing them easier? People are willing to do everything
> to get their application published in the iTunes store because they see
> others making hundreds of thousands of revenue out of their
> applications. 

No not *only* by making publishing easier. Nothing in this discussion
has been "here's the *only* thing we should do".

>> I don't see any reasons there. How does the licensing model have
>> anything to do with the rollout process? For example, I'm pretty sure
>> that any changes to Launchpad's rollout process since it was closed
>> source have nothing to do with the fact that it's now open source.
> Everyone has a choice to use the edge Launchpad server.

Eventually they won't, and it will have nothing to do with the license.

> My understanding of the proposal was that the developer chooses how
> many people are allowed to use a beta software and others don't have
> access until later.

Yes. That might be a random selection, or it might be (as with
Launchpad) chosen from a team who have volunteered for beta testing for
that particular application, or it might be a combination of both.

- -- 
Matthew Paul Thomas
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