Brainstorming for UDS-N - Disconnected updates/upgrades

Benjamin Drung bdrung at
Mon Oct 4 22:53:51 BST 2010

Am Montag, den 04.10.2010, 14:54 +0200 schrieb Stefano Rivera:
> I'd also like to do something about packages like flashplugin and
> msttcorefonts that download things from specific URLs during
> installation. Having a, preferably centrally, configurable proxy for
> these install scripts would make our users lives much easier, and cause
> less upgrade-breakage.


I have one machine without internet connection. I have to get an local
mirror (apt-mirror), copy this mirror on a USB hard drive, carry the
drive to the stand-alone computer, copy the mirror from the hard drive
and use this local mirror. Installing packages that requires internet
connection fail.

Benjamin Drung
Ubuntu Developer ( | Debian Maintainer (
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