brainstorming for UDS-N - Package Selection and Defaults

Jan Claeys lists at
Fri Oct 1 04:59:53 BST 2010

Op donderdag 30-09-2010 om 16:22 uur [tijdzone -0500], schreef Mario
> I have to agree with Jorge here.  Outside of my geeky friends and
> fellow Ubuntu developers, most people don't know what IRC even is. 

That might depend on where you live I guess, and some might just know it
as "the chat"...

People who have been online for long enough often remember it, and when
looking at a local IRC network here, most users who still use it aren't
geeks (they are using it through the web client hosted by a large
portal, which only gives access to their own channels).

Which might point to a solution: why not point to a webchat that works
properly for support questions?  Preferably there should also be some
way for people to find & open the right channels for their problem
(based on country, language, type of problem, and maybe other criteria).

Jan Claeys

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