[Ubuntuone-users] CouchDB 1.0 SRU to 10.04 LTS

Rodney Dawes rodney.dawes at canonical.com
Sat Nov 27 16:14:39 GMT 2010

On Fri, 2010-11-26 at 23:06 -0800, Clint Byrum wrote:
> Since the two are not compatible with one another, its entirely possible
> that people have built and deployed applications on CouchDB 0.10 and
> Ubuntu 10.04, and would be extremely upset if we shoved an update into
> the archive that broke their systems.
> This sounds like a pretty easy exception if we can view couchdb 1.0 as a
> new, and separate package rather than an update to 0.10.
> Since it is only needed by desktopcouch and ubuntuone, wouldn't it make
> more sense to push this into 10.04 as something else that didn't, in any
> way, conflict with couchdb 0.10?
> Seems like that would be an easier exception to approve than one that
> pushes an incompatible upstream into the LTS, even if it *is* old and
> crusty by now, 7 months later.

The problem with shipping couchdb 1.0 as a separate binary package (or
set thereof), means that it's no longer a simple SRU to 10.04. We would
also need to provide an SRU for desktopcouch on 10.04. As well as an SRU
for couchdb on 10.10 (which already ships 1.0, and would need to
reconcile the split on upgrade), and get the same dependency changes for
10.10 into 11.04.

There are also other security fixes included in the set of changes from
0.10 to 1.0, which means anyone actually using 0.10 is probably going to
have to update anyway.

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