Unity desktop and maverick backport

Didier Roche didrocks at ubuntu.com
Fri Nov 19 08:08:23 GMT 2010

Le jeudi 18 novembre 2010 à 16:03 -0500, Marjo Mercado a écrit :
> Hi Didier,
> Thanks for sharing this proposal. Based on the technical discussion
> below, it seems like the right trade-off to make, if we can't have both.
> Having said that, it becomes even more important to the overall quality
> of the Unity desktop that we ensure as many users try it on Natty as
> soon as possible. I'd like to make a few suggestions.
> - Send out a call for testing, specific to Unity desktop (QA Team)
> - Track Unity related bugs and make sure they are getting triaged and
> resolved quickly; Monitor bug reports closely (QA Team-bdmurray)
> - Layout key dates for checkpoints (Desktop, DX and QA Teams)
> - Make go/no-go recommendation based on test results and bug data (QA
> Team)

Hey Marjo,

We can work on a test plan around alpha1 time. I think this will be
good. Unity will have, as last cycle, weekly release on Thursday/Friday
(accident happens of course :)). But it's fairly easy to anyone to track
what a specific unity release fixes/implements as the DX team is using
bug task and set it to the milestone on Launchpad. For instance, here is
what was fixed for the release 2010-09-22:
https://launchpad.net/unity/0.2/2010-09-22. Note that there is a unity
upstream task for every components related to unity (for instance, a bug
in bamf will have an additional unity task for easier tracking).

Also, it will perhaps be the right time to start a first hug day on
compiz or unity (there are a lot of "Unity doesn't work on my ATI xxx
card" bugs which will be invalid with the natty version).

So, we will have the same think for the 0.3 "unity under compiz" release

Let's get alpha1 rocking while organizing around this time so make it
easier for our users to contribute!


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