SSH and the Ubuntu Server

Robbie Williamson robbie at
Thu Nov 18 16:08:47 GMT 2010

On Thu, 2010-11-18 at 16:04 +0000, Colin Watson wrote: 
> On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 10:49:38AM -0500, Marc Deslauriers wrote:
> > I think this screen is a good idea if in fact tasksel is moved to after
> > the first boot.
> We used to have a two-stage installer and it was a nightmare to maintain
> for several reasons.  Since we moved to a single-stage installer several
> years back, we've burned all the necessary code with fire and enjoyed
> it.  Please don't make me go back to that.

What if the Server team maintained the 2nd stage?  Then we'd be making
life easier for you, right? ;)

Robbie Williamson                                     robbie at
Ubuntu                                         robbiew[]                               

"You can't be lucky all the time, but you can be smart everyday" 
 -Mos Def

"Arrogance is thinking you are better than everyone else, while
Confidence is knowing no one else is better than you." -Me ;)

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