SSH and the Ubuntu Server

Martin Pool mbp at
Thu Nov 18 07:22:22 GMT 2010

On 18 November 2010 08:38, Dustin Kirkland <kirkland at> wrote:
> This proposal requests that:
>  1) a new prompt be added to the Ubuntu Server installer
>  2) this prompt be dedicated to the boolean installation, or
> non-installation, of the SSH service, as an essential facet of a
> typical server
>  3) the cursor highlights the affirmative (yes, please install SSH),
> but awaits the user's conscious decision

For what it's worth, I think at least 1&2 would be worthwhile; we
don't want to ask about every possible question but adding an SSH
server is extremely common.

One observation: doing this at install time would present an easy
opportunity to insist fairly firmly that the default user password is
not easily guessable.  Although this proposal has certain risks and
costs, it may also reduce the number of machines that are broken into
with a password of 'ubuntu' or similar.  (Or perhaps we already do
that, or should consider it regardless of ssh.)

Perhaps the autogenerated motd could mention the listening service,
though that would probably be the type of information that's quickly


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