call for testers: ibus with snooper disabled

Evan Martin evan at
Mon Nov 15 16:39:47 GMT 2010

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 12:47 AM, Zhengpeng Hou
<zhengpeng-hou at> wrote:
> If you're using ibus and chromium/chome under 10.10, would you mind do a
> test for us? We know that ibus has compatibility  issue with
> chromium/chrome, after you press backspace during your input with ibus, you
> will lose the ability to type with ibus any longer, you have to restart the
> application, and this is caused by snooper using in ibus by default.

Is there something we (Chromium) should have done differently?

Looking at our bug tracker I see a few bugs related to ibus
but unfortunately the two mentioning backspace weren't tagged Linux so
they slipped under my radar.

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