continuing conversation from UDS-N - Application Review Board

Barry Warsaw barry at
Mon Nov 15 22:36:25 GMT 2010

On Nov 15, 2010, at 05:27 PM, Scott Kitterman wrote:

>Unless there is some commitment to API stability, this is actively harmful.  
>If you are writing functions to be consumed generally, and not just within 
>your program/module/whatever, then you have to take on some additional 
>responsiblities.  If you don't, then whoever tries to take advantage of your 
>code is in for a world of hurt.

Sure, but this is the "consenting adults" argument.  The thing is, the
packages are going to be available in either case, so you're just putting an
inconvenient sys.path hack in front of anyone who really wants to do it.

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