continuing conversation from UDS-N - Application Review Board

Stefano Rivera stefanor at
Mon Nov 15 18:20:29 GMT 2010

Hi Barry (2010.11.15_17:17:01_+0200)
> A good way to think about it is that an "application" (i.e. the command you
> execute) is just the tip of the iceberg on top of a rich library that could be
> useful to others.  I'm thinking about examples like 'bzr' and 'bzrlib' which
> were explicitly designed to work that way, to great benefit.

I agree with applications that have an API that's designed to be
consumed by others. Of course that requires a little more generalisation
in the design. Not *all* applications should have private modules, and
you shouldn't have to hack sys.path to get access to a library you need,
but most apps have no need to put themselves in the public namespace.
Especially the kind of apps that ARB is intending to distribute.


Stefano Rivera
  H: +27 21 465 6908 C: +27 72 419 8559  UCT: x3127

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