change coming with maverick's 2.6.34-5 kernels

Etienne Goyer etienne.goyer at
Mon May 31 16:28:32 BST 2010

On 10-05-31 11:23 AM, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> If we could find a way to ensure this is automatically turned on for
> developers, I think that would be a reasonable tradeoff.  Ideas for
> heuristics to detect developers:
> - Installation of libc6-dev [could miss developers who don't compile C
>   programs]

libc6-dev is brought by in build-essential, which is a dependency of
dkms.  There would be a lots of false positive in users that have
dkms-enabled driver installed.

Etienne Goyer
Technical Account Manager - Canonical Ltd
Ubuntu Certified Instructor   -    LPIC-3

 ~= Ubuntu: Linux for Human Beings =~

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