New software created for Ubuntu

Dmitrijs Ledkovs dmitrij.ledkov at
Mon May 3 18:02:41 BST 2010

On 3 May 2010 17:55, Dmitrijs Ledkovs <dmitrij.ledkov at> wrote:
> On 3 May 2010 16:10, Raphael Hertzog <hertzog at> wrote:
>> On Mon, 03 May 2010, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>>> Apologies for parachuting in and hijacking this thread, but I don't think it's
>>> a matter of people not wanting their work to show up in Debian and Ubuntu.  I
>>> think it's a matter of two different enough development policies and
>>> infrastructures.  It's difficult to grasp the details of how to deploy
>>> packages for each distribution, let alone the best way to sync packages
>>> between them.  Even if you do get it, it's time consuming to support both.
>>> The question is: what can be done to make life easier for those who /want/ to
>>> do the right thing?
>> The real question is: what was difficult for the people who tried it?
>> I'll gladly try to make any supplementary improvement in the
>> infrastructure on the Debian side if needed but I don't think we can speak
>> in the void without basing the discussion on concrete experience.
> debhelper, lintian and to some extend dpkg (you would know better ;-))
> are often lagging behind debian during active development in ubuntu
> cycle because we have a few changes that need manual merging with each
> new release in Debian.

Concrete example:

I think Colin's & Matthias' time can be spend doing more useful things
in Ubuntu & Debian than remerging the same thing over & over again to
get newer debhelper. And it will be usefull for us to be able to sync
debhelper and know that our changes are in it (plus in case of upstart
debian might need them eventually so this changes might become

Also it might be appropriate to have XB-Vendor-Modified: field in
control files to know that debhelper from debian archive has actually
different behaviour from ubuntu archive one. Although this might be
useless cause we have already established that Ubuntu/Debian
may-or-may-not-be binary compatible =)

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