[ubuntu/lucid] lcd4linux 0.10.1~rc2-2ubuntu2 (Accepted)

Luca Falavigna dktrkranz at ubuntu.com
Tue Mar 16 13:04:34 GMT 2010

Daniel Holbach ha scritto:
>> lcd4linux (0.10.1~rc2-2ubuntu2) lucid; urgency=low
>>   * debian/control: Add libssl-dev to build depends (LP: #538375)
> To me this doesn't seem to be the right thing to do, for similar reasons
> as in
> 	https://launchpad.net/bugs/538718
> Unfortunately I couldn't find out what the problem was myself. Can
> anybody help?

This could be related to LOCALMODLIBS incorrectly exporting -lssl.
A related patch for totem, which fixed the same problem in Debian, can
be found at [1], it needs to be adjusted for failing packages of course.




 : :' :   Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>
 `. `'

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