Ubuntu Kernel Team meeting minutes, 2010-03-09

Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com
Tue Mar 9 18:56:23 GMT 2010

= Meeting Minutes =
[[http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/03/09/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt|IRC Log of the meeting.]]

== Agenda ==
[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting#Tues, 09 March, 2010|20100209 Meeting Agenda]]

=== Outstanding actions from last meeting ===
  * None

=== Release Metrics ===

  * Bugs (Release Meeting Bugs / RC Milestoned Bugs / Release Targeted Bugs)
    ||                || Beta 1  Milestoned Bugs || Release Targeted Bugs ||
    ||linux           || 9                       || 24                    ||
    ||linux-fsl-imx51 || 1                       || 1                     ||
    ||linux-ec2       || 1                       || 1                     ||
    ||linux-mvl-dove  || 1                       || 2                     ||

  * Milestoned Features
   * 0 blueprints

  * Bugs with Patches Attached:110 (not counting Fix Committed)(down 2)
  Breakdown by status:

=== Blueprints: kernel-lucid-bug-handling (JFo) ===
Almost done with the analysis of the X debugging pages. JFo will update the team
on the current state of the Kernel Team pages and an initial draft of recommended
changes to the structure and layout via the e-mail list.
Will have the arsenal scripts running (not in dry run mode) by the end of this week.

=== Blueprints: kerne-lucid-kernel-config-review (apw) ===
We have pulled out the HID devices to modular.  Discussions on other drivers still
pending, any changes will have to occur post beta-1 now.

=== Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kms (sconklin / apw) ===
We have committed to the v2.6.33 drm backport which is now uploaded to the archive.
Re-testing of graphics issues now to be requested.  JFo will put out a call for
testing for the drm backport asap.

=== Blueprints: kernel-lucid-suspend-resume (manjo) ===
The suspend resume patch is in and already seeing some benefits. One bug where
the battery is fingered as taking 10s to respond.

=== Blueprints: kernel-lucid-apparmor-development (jjohansen) ===
Editing text for another push to LKML There are still a few LSM audit issues to
attend to and we will see how the __d_path discussions play out.  Currently trying
to keep the 2 pushes separate

=== Blueprints: kernel-lucid-boot-performance (apw, csurbhi) ===
Nothing new this week.

=== Other Release Tasks: Lucid Audio Support (bjf) ===
Nothing new to report.

=== Other Release Tasks: Lucid Better Power Mgt (amitk) ===
Pushed some power policy scripts to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~amitk/ubuntu/lucid/pm-utils-powersave-policy/amit.
Will prepare a package in PPA and issue call for testing tomorrow. pitti is
going to review them in the mean while, but other comments welcome

=== Other Release Tasks: EC2 Lucid Kernel Status (jjohansen) ===
Bug #527208 is still outstanding
  * Launchpad bug 527208 in linux-ec2 "ec2 instance fails boot, no console output on c1.xlarge" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/527208
Other than that no known issues. However it may be affecting more than just
c1.xlarge kernels.

=== Status: Lucid (apw) ===
Lucid remains at stable v2.6.32.9.  As mentioned above we have taken the v2.6.33
DRM backport as this greatly improves stability and removes the need for the
Nouveau LBM module, cleaning up installs.  We have also incorporated building
the kernel perf tool.  All of the main kernel (linux, linux-fsl-imx51, linux-mvl-dove,
and linux-qcm-msm) are now closed for the Beta-1, uploaded and building, linux-ec2
has been tested and pending a build-test is ready to upload.  Anything which
requires a kernel change will have to wait until after beta-1 and will have to
pass the abbreviated SRU process (2 acks required).

=== Security & bugfix kernels - Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others (smb) ===
  * Dapper:      2.6.15-55.82  (security)
  * Hardy:       2.6.24-27.65  (security)
                 2.6.24-27.67  (proposed)[15]  1/ 3 verifications done (+0)
  * Intrepid:    2.6.27-17.45  (security)
  * Jaunty:      2.6.28-18.59  (security)
  * Karmic:      2.6.31-19.56  (security)
     - LBM       2.6.31-20.22  (updates)
     - mvl-dove  2.6.31-211.22 (security)
                 2.6.31-211.23 (waiting for acceptance)
     - fsl-imx51 2.6.31-108.21 (security)
                 2.6.31-108.23 (proposed)[5]  0/ 1 verifications done (+0)
     - ec2       2.6.31-304.11 (updates)
Hardy is just about to move to updates.
Coming up another security update, then final big upload for Karmic.

=== Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo) ===
Incoming Bugs
280 Lucid Bugs (up 95)
Current regression stats (broken down by release):
==== regression-potential (up 29) ====
   * 86 lucid bugs
==== regression-update (up 1) ====
   * 11 karmic bugs
   * 5 jaunty bugs
   * 2 intrepid bugs
   * 1 hardy bug
==== regression-release (down 2) ====
   * 56 karmic bugs
   * 22 jaunty bugs
   * 11 intrepid bugs
   * 4 hardy bugs
==== regression-proposed (no change) ====
   * 1 karmic bug

=== Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (JFo) ===
There was no bug day last week. This is a gentle reminder that we have decided
to hold a weekly Kernel Bug Day to deal with regression bugs. What this means
is that for one day a week we would like for the kernel team to focus on
addressing 'regression-' tagged bugs. We'd like to see a significant reduction
in the numbers reported above.
The plan, as I see it, is to implement this up to release and then discuss the
continued utility of having a Kernel Team Bug Day much like the Bug Days we have
now with the community.
The next Bug Day will be next Tuesday. The focus will be on Bugs with patches
attached. As usual, all are welcome to help, and all help is greatly appreciated.
The Kernel Bug Day will be on Tuesday of every week until release.

=== Open Discussion or Questions ===
We are now basically frozen for Beta-1 (barring kitten killers), I will be
pushing out any tasks which required kernel changes to Beta-2 shortly, there
is almost nothing in this category.  The remainder of our non-release tasks
for Beta-1 need focus, and if they aren't going to make it I want to know.

Several links that you may find useful:

the first is a breakdown of bugs by package
the second is a view created by the Launchpad team of bugs with patches by age
the only other thing I have on the above is the fact that the second link is not
completely accurate yet

Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com http://www.canonical.com

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