Role of the Sponsorship Queue

Bryce Harrington bryce at
Wed Mar 3 08:20:39 GMT 2010

On Wed, Mar 03, 2010 at 03:04:56PM +0900, Emmet Hikory wrote:
>     So, I think there should be two processes.  One is "do the
> intuitive thing with LP and forget about it".  The other is "learn
> about how Ubuntu Development works, learn which (single) team to
> subscribe to get candidates uploaded, etc.  Given that the first
> "process" involves the absolute minimum prior education on the part of
> the patch submitter, I don't believe this will lead to process
> confusion: we just need to reduce the number of places we tell people
> to seek sponsorship to those more likely to be found by prospective
> developers, and promote doing arbitrary patch review more aggressively
> rather than just asking folk to "sponsor".

Well said, and I agree completely.


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