Ubuntu sparc and ia64 ports

Scott James Remnant scott at ubuntu.com
Mon Jun 7 13:47:42 BST 2010

Quality is always important to Ubuntu, and nowhere more so in the ports
to alternate architectures.  Users using Ubuntu ports should expect the
same level of quality and support than they receive from using one of
the official architectures.

Unfortunately this means that, from time to time, we have to evaluate
the state of each of the ports and some may become candidates for

The Ubuntu SPARC port has been declining in both levels of usage and
maintenance, and its quality has now fallen below the minimum level we
expect to be an Ubuntu port.

After discussion at the recent Ubuntu Developer Summit, and ratified by
the Ubuntu Technical Board, a decision was taken to decommission this
port at the Feature Freeze point of Ubuntu 10.10's development later
this year.

If Ubuntu users or developers wish this port to continue, they should
group together to take over maintenance and ensure that the state is
improved above the minimum level before that date.  This will almost
certainly require substantial work on the toolchain and kernel.

The Ubuntu IA64 port is in a better shape, but has no active maintenance
team.  We recognise that there are benefits to retaining this port, and
that the kernel and toolchain are in better shape, however the Technical
Board is concerned that without an active maintenance team the quality
will decline rapidly.

Likewise if a maintenance team does not step forward to take over, the
port will be decommissioned.

on behalf of the Ubuntu Technical Board
Scott James Remnant
scott at ubuntu.com
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