Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting Minutes - 07/06/2010
Brad Figg
brad.figg at canonical.com
Tue Jul 13 20:31:04 BST 2010
= Meeting Minutes =
[[http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/07/13/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt|IRC Log of the meeting.]]
[[http://voices.canonical.com/kernelteam|Meeting minutes.]]
== Agenda ==
[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting#Tues, 13 Jul, 2010|20100713 Meeting Agenda]]
=== ARM Status ===
* Marvel (mvl-dove)
* Nothing new this week
* Freescale (fsl-imx51)
* Nothing new this week
* Texas Instruments (ti-omap)
* REBASE : ti-omap4 branch is now at 901.4.
* PATCH : Patches applied which raise uevents to load Syslink driver modules
* PATCH : ti-omap4 patches posted for review - sebjan requested to do the same
* PATCH : Several patches from TI have been reviewed and merged into our kernel
* ON GOING : B593650 was once again reproducible - this is next on mpoirier's hit-list
* ON GOING : B601226 patch has been sent upstream - awaiting feedback
* ON GOING : B592295 a patch and RFC has been set out by TI - awaiting feedback
* ON GOING : B477106 is sleeping until further notice
* FIXED : B594382 was fixed in rc4 - was probing for daisy-chain event rather than daisy-chain en bit
=== Release Metrics ===
Bugs (Release Meeting Bugs / RC Milestoned Bugs / Release Targeted Bugs)
Release Meeting Bugs (4 bugs, 9 Blueprints)
==== Alpha 3 Milestoned Bugs (46 across all packages (down 5)) ====
* 4 linux kernel bugs (no change)
* 0 linux-fsl-imx51 bugs
* 0 linux-ec2 bugs
* 0 linux-mvl-dove bugs
* 1 linux-ti-omap bugs (up 1)
* 1 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (no change)
==== Release Targeted Bugs (102 across all packages (down 5)) ====
* 7 linux kernel bugs (no change)
* 2 linux-fsl-imx51 bugs
* 0 linux-ec2 bugs
* 2 linux-mvl-dove bugs
* 3 linux-ti-omap bugs (up 1)
* 1 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (no change)
==== Milestoned Features ====
* 14 blueprints (Includes HWE Blueprints)
==== Bugs with Patches Attached:120 (up 5) ====
* [[ https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.has_patch=on | Bugs with Patches]]
* [[ http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/csv-stats/bugs-with-patches/linux/ | Bugs with Patches, status statistics ]]
=== Blueprint: kernel-maverick-apparmor ===
* Bug #599450 - more complicated than originally though due to semantic issues. atm done with kernel side, current plan is to handle rest user side.
* Bug #602261 - looks to be AppArmor exacerbating Bug #600359. Have applied a kernel patch that should reduce this by adjusting AA policy memory allocations, and have also applied some patches to user space tools reduce memory usage.
* Bug #581525 - Partial kernel fix in place, still triggers in one case that is currently being examined. Userspace portion of fix is being tested.
* Next submit is queued, and ready to go out pending regression tests that are running on the updated rebase.
=== Blueprint: kernel-maverick-misc ===
Nothing new to report.
=== Blueprint: kernel-maverick-new-kernel-on-lts ===
Nothing new to report.
=== Blueprint: kernel-maverick-pv-ops-ec2-kernel ===
Received confirmation from Amazon contacts that pv-ops based kernels should work in EC2, and that the xsave hypercall needs to be disabled or there will be issues with booting kernels. Have built a test kernel but haven't tested yet.
=== Blueprint: kernel-maverick-ubuntu-delta-review ===
Nothing new to report.
=== Blueprint: kernel-maverick-config-review ===
Nothing new to report.
=== Blueprint: kernel-maverick-bug-handling ===
Location chosen for the Triage Summit. It will be a combination of the #ubuntu-classroom and the #ubuntu-kernel channels. The classroom will be for the instructional sessions and the kernel channel will be used for wiki development and further discussion.
Let me know your thoughts on this. We'll be discussing classes, scheduling and topics at the Rally next week.
=== Blueprint: kernel-maverick-upstart ===
Nothing new to report.
=== Blueprint: kernel-maverick-bios-test-automation ===
Nothing new to report.
=== Status: Maverick ===
The Maverick kernel was rebased to the latest 2.6.35-rc4 mainline kernel last week and is currently availble for testing in the latest 2.6.35-7.12 upload. 2.6.35-rc5 was released yesterday. We'll rebase our Maverick tree today and upload for testing.
Alpha 3 is Thurs Aug 5th which is ~3weeks away. We are above the Alpha 3 burn down chart's trend line, so please review the list of work items for Alpha 3 and start closing out tasks. Remember you won't have as much time to tackle work items next week
due to the sprint.
=== Security & bugfix kernels - Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others ===
|| || Upd./Sec. || Proposed || TiP || Verified ||
|| Dapper: Kernel || 2.6.15-55.84 || || || ||
|| Hardy: Kernel || 2.6.24-28.71 || || || ||
|| Jaunty: Kernel || 2.6.28-19.61 || || || ||
|| Karmic: Kernel || 2.6.31-22.60 || || || ||
|| = mvl-dove || 2.6.31-214.28 || || || ||
|| = fsl-imx51 || 2.6.31-112.28 || || || ||
|| = ec2 || 2.6.31-307.15 || || || ||
|| Lucid: Kernel || 2.6.32-23.37 || 2.6.32-24.38 || 8 || 1/ 4 (+ 1) ||
|| = LBM || 2.6.32-23.16 || 2.6.32-24.17 || 7 || 0/ 1 ||
|| = mvl-dove || 2.6.32-206.19 || 2.6.32-207.20 || 5 || 1/ 4 (+ 1) ||
|| = fsl-imx51 || 2.6.31-608.15 || || || ||
|| = ti-omap || 2.6.33-502.8 || || || ||
|| = ec2 || 2.6.32-307.12 || 2.6.32-308.13 || 5 || 1/ 4 (+ 1) ||
Security update is prepared and pending, waiting for Lucid proposed moving to updates.
Karmic uploads have been rejected on my request for now. We try to restore normality if we know what that is anyway.
=== Incoming Bugs and Regressions ===
==== Incoming Bugs: ====
||<-2 tablestyle="width: 35%;")> ||
||<:> '''Version''' ||<:> '''Count''' ||
||Maverick ||<:>59 (+9) ||
||Lucid ||<:>1049 (+21) ||
==== Current regression stats: ====
||<-5 tablestyle="width: 100%;")> ||
||<:> '''Version''' ||<:> '''Potential''' ||<:> '''Update''' ||<:> '''Release''' ||<:> '''Proposed''' ||
|| maverick ||<:> 35 (+8) ||<:> ||<:> ||<:> ||
|| lucid ||<:> 223 (-1:) ||<:> 40 ||<:> 160 (+9) ||<:> 2 (+1) ||
|| karmic ||<:> ||<:> 6 ||<:> 45 ||<:> 1 ||
|| jaunty ||<:> ||<:> 4 ||<:> 19 ||<:> ||
|| hardy ||<:> ||<:> 1 ||<:> 2 ||<:> ||
=== Incoming Bugs: Bug day report ===
The Community bug Day next week has been canceled due to the Platform Rally. It will resume the week after the Rally. I'll be sending an e-mail update next week concerning the items that we will be focusing on.
Also, it was determined that there is a need to hold our Kernel Tema Bug Day earlier in this week due to the travel time needed to arrive at the Platform Rally. We will be holding the Team Bug Day tomorrow, Wednesday 14 July. The expectation is that all
platform kernel engineers will look at a minimum of 5 bugs each. The day will start at 8AM PST and run for about 3 hours. This is so that we can chat about the bugs being worked so as to avoid duplicating any efforts. There is a calendar item for the bug
day tomorrow.
=== Open Discussion or Questions: Anyone have anything? ===
* Please note that there will not be a Kernel team meeting next week.
* There is a kernel triage chat tomorrow afternoon at 4PM EST any Kernel Engineers interested in backing me up are welcome to attend :). https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek -) more info there
* Launchpad bug 594837 in linux (Ubuntu) "Lucid SRU: Intel Core i3/i5/i7 hang on resume from suspend (SCI_EN)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/594837
* This is still pending review at stable at kernel.org (4 weeks). I think this affects a good number of users who would like it fixed in Lucid sooner rather than later. I think its a safe fix (its in Maverick).
* Is it time for us to SRU this for Lucid or shall we continue to wait for stable?
* lucid is now undergoing a security update, so it'll be a while before we can put anything new in there.
Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com http://www.canonical.com
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