proposed universe demotion: virt-manager (or, a request for active maintenance)

Dustin Kirkland kirkland at
Fri Jan 29 18:33:46 GMT 2010


virt-manager, while being perhaps the only decent GUI for managing
KVM/Xen/QEMU guests in Ubuntu, is largely unmaintained.  Bugs pile up
that we do very little about.
 * 113 bugs, 70+ untriaged

This is primarily due to the nature of virt-manager...  It's *really*
a graphical desktop application (python-gtk), but mostly falls under
the domain of the Ubuntu Server Team, which does not deal with
graphical applications, and thus virt-manager does not get the
attention it deserves.  The Server Team does actively maintain the
non-GUI guts of virt-manager (that being libvirt and qemu-kvm), as
well as other numerous non-graphical tools for managing virtual
machines (virsh, UEC, euca2ools, vmbuilder, etc.).

I propose that either:
 a) the Ubuntu Desktop Team provides active maintenance of virt-manager, or
 b) virt-manager is demoted to Universe for Lucid.

As noted on each of these proposed demotions, this doesn't mean
virt-manager would leave the archive.  Merely that it's an apt-get
install from Universe away (which is actually already the case --
virt-manager is currently only seeded on the Ubuntu DVD).

I would much prefer (a), however, if (a) cannot happen, I think (b) is
the most appropriate action, as without a more active maintainer of
the project.  Placement in Universe would more accurately reflect the
support model virt-manager has endured for the last ~2 years, and
possibly even invigorate more support, with all of MOTU having
privileges to fix bugs.

/me dons his firefighting gear, in advance of the oncoming flames...


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