autoreconf advice

Barry Warsaw barry at
Sat Dec 4 14:59:23 GMT 2010

On Dec 04, 2010, at 06:08 AM, Chow Loong Jin wrote:

>These days there's dh --with=autoreconf, and for CDBS users,
>/usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/, which handle all the autoreconf stuff and
>cleanup after without needing to commit a huge autoreconf patch into debian/patches.
>Just build-depend on dh-autoreconf, and add the required stuff to debian/rules
>and you should be done.

Just to follow up.  I ended up solving this by calling

    dh_autoreconf autoreconf --

directly right before the configure call.  The reason for being explicit is
that the -f -i options dh_autoreconf uses by default broke the build.

Thanks for the clue!
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