Fwd: Request For Candidates: Application Review Board

Jason Taylor killerkiwi2005 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 29 01:36:57 BST 2010

First off, Very nice PostReleaseApps sounds awesome, installing to
/opt, no root privileges, visible in software center, all good stuff.

It will also provide a nice clean split between "operating system"
packages and application packages

> We already have a requirement that PostReleaseApps aren't allowed to be
> duplicates or modifications of any package that is already in
> main/universe, so an app doing name shadowing will be rejected.

The only issue here is you have just removed all incentive to get the
app into main/universe, from the developers point of view its better
to have a PostReleaseApp so they can update it as they do a new
release (this would effect every game in ubuntu I would think and more
besides, network play usually requiring the newest client etc). Is
this a good or bad thing..? If it promotes quick iteration like the
phone app stores .probably a good thing?


Jason Taylor

"Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely
pointless. " - Calven

"Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely
pointless. " - Calven

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