Ubuntu Server Team meeting minutes

Chuck Short zulcss at ubuntu.com
Tue Aug 31 15:36:35 BST 2010

== Agenda ==

Items we will be discussing:

 * Review ACTION points from previous meeting
   * SpamapS to submit rubygems change proposal as Important bug in
Debian and CC ubuntu-devel
   * zul to nudge forward upstart script review process
   * jjohansen to review bug 493156
   * zul to review papercut status of bug 582963
 * Maverick development (jib)
 * Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)
 * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)
   * pv-ops kernel status update
 * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)
 * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0)
 * Papercuts status (ttx)
 * Open Discussion
 * Announce next meeting date and time
   * Tuesday 2010-08-31 at 1800 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting

== Minutes ==

==== ACTION points from previous meetings ====

 * SpamapS to submit rubygems change proposal as Important bug in Debian
and CC ubuntu-devel
   * More work is needed and will be resubmiited
 * zul to nudge forward upstart script review process
   * Done
 * jjohansen to review bug 493156
   * Not Done
 * zul to review papercut status of bug 582963
   * Not Done

==== Maverick Development ====

 * ttx mentioned that we are bit behind with maverick development, but
with a nice trends line. 
 * Beta Freeze was last thursday only RC fixes will be accepted.
 * ttx mentioed that he has burnup charts available that makes it a bit
easier to read.

  ACTION: ttx to make burnup charts available to people who them

==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team ====

 * Still testing eucalyptus.
 * QA is going through regression-potential bugs and will ping the team
when they are ready.

==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team ===

 * jjohansen was working on fix for the xen kernels because a security
fix broke them.
 * jjohansen mentioned that there was a fix for the phantom High load
average on EC2.
 * bug 606373 is currnently being worked on.

=== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team ====

 * Skipped sommer was not available

==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team ====

 * Cloud forum is available on ubuntu forums now.
 * Working on a new resource and news aggregator for new developers.

==== Papercuts status ====

  * We had until Thursday to fix the last six. so you had to unassign
yourself to give someone else a chance to fix the bug.

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