Request For Candidates: Application Review Board

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at
Mon Aug 16 17:34:01 BST 2010

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Rick Spencer
<rick.spencer at> wrote:
> There were three rather large sessions at UDS, 2 to discuss
> implementation, and 1 to discuss the process. Then all the work was done
> in the normal transparent manner, in blueprints, specs, and the code was
> published into Ubuntu as it was ready.

Since I didn't go to UDS this time around, I didn't have a chance to
overhear hallway gossip about what's going on in various tracks (which
is how it seems people find out about decisions in tracks other than
their focus at UDS).  Maybe I missed it, but I don't recall a list of
agreed-upon blueprints with short summaries of the decisions being
sent to either here or announce.  I went and looked through Kubuntu's
blueprints because I'm particularly interested in that, but there are
obviously things happening in other tracks that it'd be useful to know
about.  I heard about i586 being dropped when I saw people complaining
that Edubuntu-LTSP on thin clients was going to become a difficult
option since many thin clients are not i686-compatible.

Spending a full Saturday reading every single blueprint in full seems
both boring and unproductive, but at the same time skimming the titles
isn't very informative.  Perhaps a standard practice of one email to
here or announce from each track summarising that track's
blueprints/decisions (with links to full versions) would be a good
idea so that those of us who are not at UDS can have an easier time
being reasonably well-informed about changes.  There's far too much
information even for people at UDS, but the problem is made worse for
those of us who don't get the in-person summaries at dinner/bar.  I
suspect some of the users who like to keep informed would appreciate
it too.

Transparency is great, but finding the transparent data is a bit
harder (clearing out some of the junk blueprints on LP might help

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo

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