Place for DDs and DMs to request syncs

Barry Warsaw barry at
Mon Aug 16 15:42:34 BST 2010

On Aug 15, 2010, at 09:17 PM, Steve Kowalik wrote:

>On 15/08/10 01:01, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>> For example, let's say I dip my toes into the Ubuntu lake first.  I
>> quickly learn that it's best to upload to Debian first and then sync
>> to Ubuntu, but I find Launchpad a more comfortable web ui to
>> interact with.  Why is there not a big button on e.g.
>> that says
>> "Upload to Debian Testing"?
>There are couple of reasons for this. Firstly, Launchpad doesn't
>really keep track of what's in Debian all that well -- it tries to,
>but there are problems with it. Secondly, if something is going to get
>uploaded to Debian, it needs to be signed by a *private* key that has
>upload permissions to Debian -- and I don't want my private key stored
>on hardware that isn't under my physical control.

Sorry, I should have been more clear.  I'm not actually suggesting that the
button *do* the upload - I agree that would not be good.  But "the button"
could enter the appropriate requests into the appropriate queues.  IOW, make
it really easy for an Ubuntu developer to request an update from
Ubuntu->Debian, or a Debian developer to request a sync from Debian->Ubuntu.

I understand that Debian developers don't typically like web ui's, which is
cool.  But maybe something can be done to make the process easier for the
casual, opportunistic, or n00b contributor.

Anyway, just a thought.
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