Updated archive rebuild results
Michael Bienia
michael at bienia.de
Mon Aug 2 17:43:41 BST 2010
On 2010-08-02 08:16:59 -0400, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> On 02/08/10 at 06:35 -0500, Micah Gersten wrote:
> > Thank you for the update! I was wondering what people though about
> > having which packageset a package belongs to listed on this page similar
> > to the sponsoring page [1]. This would allow people will packagesets to
> > quickly determine if something needs to be fixed vs scanning all the
> > results. Of course, if people have more time, they can fix other FTBFS
> > issues :)
> That information is currently not available in UDD (Ultimate Debian
> Database, not Ubuntu Distributed Development). Is there an easy and
> efficient way to collect it?
Through the LP API. If you already know the package set names, you can
use the existing edit_acl.py script to query them [0]. Or use the LP API
| for ps in lp.packagesets:
| if ps.distroseries_link.endswith('maverick'):
| print '%s (%s)' % (ps.description, ps.name)
| for src in ps.getSourcesIncluded(direct_inclusion=True):
| print src
This lists all packagesets in Maverick with their source package names.
0: It's in lp:ubuntu-archive-tools.
"edit_acl.py query -P mozilla -S maverick" lists all uploaders and
packages for the Mozilla package set in Maverick.
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