Minutes from the Ubuntu Technical Board meeting, 2010-04-20

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Tue Apr 20 15:32:49 BST 2010

Technical Board meeting, 2010-04-20

  * Attendees: Matt Zimmerman (chair), Martin Pitt, Kees Cook, Mark

  * Guests: Jo Shields

  * Action review:
   * pitti to kick off post-mortem of sync-from-testing on u-devel@
    * Done
   * Riddell and ScottK to sort next steps of KDE Updates process
    * Outstanding
   * cjwatson to write up 2010-03-09 meeting minutes
    * Outstanding
   * cjwatson to drive libfaac issue to conclusion
    * Outstanding

  * autopano-sift patent allegation (Jo Shields)
   * https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-March/000174.html
   * Per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PatentPolicy the concern has been noted,
     and no action is deemed necessary at the present time

  * Chair for next meeting: Martin Pitt

 - mdz

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