Server Team 20100414 meeting minutes

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Fri Apr 16 16:21:36 BST 2010


Here are the minutes of meeting. They can also be found online with the
irc logs here:

==== Review ACTION points from previous meeting ====

 * mathiaz to fix a broken script with bug reporting link above (not done)
 * ttx to follow up with ivoks/RoaKSoax on cluster stack state (done,
but needs refresh)
 * mathiaz to propose removal of dovecot-postfix on MLs (not done)

[ACTION] mathiaz to fix the "server fixed bugs" broken script

[ACTION] ttx to follow up with ivoks/RoaKSoax on cluster stack state

[ACTION] mathiaz to propose removal of dovecot-postfix on MLs

==== Lucid release status ====

FinalFreeze will hit us tomorrow, and then all uploads will need
ReleaseTeam approval, so team members are advised to get every fix they
can in by the end of the day. Here is the release-critical bugs status:

 * Bug 556343 (zul): mvo will run the test now again and once its
finished, upload the syslog file
 * Bug 532733 (kirkland): forwarded upstream, haven't made much progress
on that one, not able to reproduce it easily (outside of the odd apt-get
 * Bug 513273 (kirkland): uploaded fix was rejected, needs bug
commenters to help do some testing on it against bochs
 * Bug 533029 (zul): pending on FFe
 * Bug 562261: sync approved, needs ArchiveAdmin action

Slow progress in the remaining work items in the specs[1]. Eucalyptus
merging and packaging should be complete today today, the others are
assumed to still be on track.

Once those higher-priority items are taken care of, you can work on
Lucid targets of opportunity. You can find a list of those on the
release status[2] page, or go directly to the complete list[3]. The
server team side of the release is appearing to be mostly in good shape,
though more testing would not hurt, team members are encouraged to
blog/call for that.


==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team ====

hggdh is still working on the issue preventing the UEC test rig to
successfully run Topology 2 tests. mathiaz and kirkland will help him
debug that. He is slowed down by a kernel issue preventing his KVM to
work correctly (needs to try out the latest kernel). The ISO testcases
are good since beta2 and should not change until release. hggdh also
started to work on the EC2 tests, jump-starting from smoser's work.

==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team ====

jjohansen reported that bug 530361 (support for DELL H200/H700/H800 SAS
cards) was fixed in time for KernelFreeze. The remaining big issue is
bug 546743, servers with ATI ES1000 cards don't get anything on console.
jjohansen is still investigating options but we are now past
KernelFreeze, which reduces our choices. This can be rolled into a new
kernel, workarounded in a kernel cmdline set at install-time, or
mentioned in the release notes and shipped in a kernel SRU.

==== Weekly SRU review ====

zul conducted a quick review that didn't end up with anything new
accepted for SRU. The recently-fixed server bugs[4] query is still
broken and cannot be used. Note that zul plans to discuss SRU handling
at next UDS.


==== Open discussion ====

zul mentioned he has been working on getting mysql-5.0 out of universe,
and it should be ready to be removed from universe today. Some team
members reported starting to have classic pre-release sleep trouble.

==== Announce next meeting date and time ====

Next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 21st at 14:00 UTC in

Thierry Carrez
Ubuntu server team

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