On-Call Reviews in #ubuntu-reviews

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
Mon Sep 7 17:21:08 BST 2009

Hello everybody,

a few weeks ago we abused the Packaging Training session format somewhat
and made it a "ask your review questions now and we'll have a look for
you" session instead. It was a great success and appreciated by the

It'd be great if we could extend the meme somewhat and have regular
reviews in #ubuntu-reviews. If you feel like you have an hour of time
for doing some reviews, join the channel, add your name to the topic of
the channel and be prepared to get a few questions. :-)

If you want to help out more regularly, please consider adding yourself
to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/CodeReviews

Have a great day,

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