Debugging tools/approach for GPU hangs?

Bryce Harrington bryce at
Sun Sep 6 06:16:28 BST 2009

On Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 08:12:09AM -0700, Jesse Barnes wrote:
> > >  * Documenting all of the above so that it can be easily executed by
> > >    reasonably technical users
> There are some reset patches available, but they don't seem to work in
> all cases.  It would be good to know if they were useful for any of
> your reported hangs...  It might be that they're better than nothing
> and we should push them upstream now.

Unfortunately the freeze bugs I've seen reported recently appear to be
difficult for the reporters to reproduce at will (e.g. occur only after a
few days).  But it definitely sounds like something worth pulling in for


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