Ubuntu Software Store: What it does, and how you can help

Peter l Jakobi lists at kefk.oa.shuttle.de
Tue Sep 1 18:32:30 BST 2009

On Tue, Sep 01, 2009 at 12:01:12PM -0500, Robbie Williamson wrote:
> On 09/01/2009 10:42 AM, ajmctaggart wrote:
> > Obviously Store is not very popular, nor Center.  So what is it that we
> > communicate a trading post, or bazzar?  So what evokes this idea of a
> > trading post or a bazaar in a Ubuntu-esque fashion?
> > 2) Creative Exchange
> > 3) Open Market/ Open Exchange

too much bubble economy for me (and has been since for decades now, if
you think of the Japanese usage of the term bubble economy).

> > 4) Common Knowledge Market/ Exchange/Marketplace... (I don't want to
> > start a flame war on "Open," software or "Closed," software and the
> > availability from within this management tool)

Too  long.  However, in German, there's also the word Allmende,  which
translates  to  just 'Commons'. And the space the weekly  market  took
place  on was very much part of the Allmende. So trade commercial  and
otherwise was always part of that.

So how about just Ubuntu Commons?

I  don't think that's much confusion between licenses and that kind of

Maybe combined with something connoting repository / stack / depot?

> > 5)  I don't have the wording, but what about the central idea behind a
> > Library?  You check out titles, you return them, etc...Very simiilar to
> > what this Synaptic replacement would allow...Anyone with some good ideas
> > for a "Library," wording?

There  are  famous reading rooms in the one oof the British Museam  in
London? One of those might also have intersting names...

The  http://www.the-athenaeum.org/  is also nice, but maybe a bit  too
obscure  and also, it's already taken. Strange when we've 2k+ years of
and  I cannot seem to think of a single good term in either German  or

Peter l Jakobi
lists at kefk.oa.shuttle.de

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