Advice needed - moving GNOME help files into langpacks

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Tue Sep 1 07:33:03 BST 2009

Hello Matthew,

Matthew East [2009-08-31 15:42 +0200]:
> This is surely a bug in gnome-terminal, isn't it? 

I'd say it is, yes.

> If so, can't we just do some testing and try and make sure that such
> bugs are fixed upstream? I'm willing to help test and report bugs.

I was just afraid that this might affect other GNOME apps as well, and
we discover it too late.

Also, as said earlier, there will be a major revision/restructuring of
GNOME help in 3.0/Mallard anyway, so I'm not sure whether it's worth
spending time on fixing the curent system.


Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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