NetworkManager bug / question.

Derek Broughton derek at
Wed Oct 28 13:22:17 GMT 2009

Eric wrote:

> 2)
> We found a workaround article, paraphrasing, "stick a file in
> /etc/network/if-up.d/ called whateva, and in that file,
>   route del gw
>   route add default gw
> What? you mean we stick any file in that directory and it gets
> run?  Isn't that a bad Idea? 

Why?  I hope not, because I've been using this for eons!

> it's kinda like rc scripts, but those
> are organized, S98startItUp runs after S97startItFirst.  How does if-up
> deamon know which to run first in the 'run whateva in here' directory?

The same way.  afaik, they both use run-parts, which runs them "in the 
lexical sort order of their names".

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