Server Team 20091013 meeting minutes

Thierry Carrez thierry.carrez at
Wed Oct 14 09:41:31 BST 2009

Hash: SHA1


Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with
the irc logs here:

==== Review ACTION points from previous meeting ====
 * ttx to review test plans and ensure they are aligned with 9.10: Done,
pending some alignment by ara and the QA team
 * kirkland to confirm that his test rig is fully operational: Done
 * kirkland to adapt VM recipe(s?) to use libvirt: Deferred

ACTION: kirkland to adapt VM recipe(s?) to use libvirt

 * mathiaz to work with the QA team on a server bug day for Karmic:
Done, running Oct 14
 * mdz to follow up with marjo regarding general QA support in Karmic: Done
 * smoser to follow up with mdz regarding UEC image testing capability:
HW received, setup to be done
 * zul to fix m2crypto test suite and ensure that MIR is processed: some
more fixups needed to testsuite

ACTION: zul to fix m2crypto test suite and ensure that MIR is processed

 * soren/niemeyer to arrange a meeting to discuss reference appliance
plan of action: Discussed via email
 * mathiaz to document test plan for image store: niemeyer wrote
instructions in image-store-proxy README

ACTION: mathiaz to add test case for image store in testcases wiki

 * zul to triage his assigned bugs: Done

==== Eucalyptus status ====

Eucalyptus is currently at 1.6~bzr919-0ubuntu3. We expect a last
upstream merge today, and it's likely to be > rev925 so we should wait
for it before merging (fixes for Bug:430266 and Bug:449944). It should
be delivered before 5pm PST on Tuesday. Bug:432154 is still stuck on
integration of an upstream patch that might fix SCSI attach. Bug:446023
is also on kirkland's tasklist and should get fixed asap. Bug:446841
needs some upstream help which nurmi should provide today.

==== UEC/EC2 images ====

All serious bugs have now been squashed. Bug:440757 is next on smoser's
list. Bug:444605 should now be marked as completed, since slangasek
agreed that with the -kernel-info.txt file and even just the manifest we
have what we need.

==== Server Team bugmail ====

zul went through the server-ship seeds to make sure that the server team
is subscribed to the bugmail for the stuff in the seeds and came up with
a list of missing items. After some minor cleanups (packages no longer
in the archive that should be removed from the seed), we agreed that
this list should be added to ubuntu-server package list.

ACTION: zul to add missing server-ship packages to ubuntu-server

==== RC - FinalFreeze ahead ====

FinalFreeze is coming up this Thursday, so most fixes should be in by
Wednesday. Only release-critical fixes will be granted an exception
after that date. A server bug day will be held Wednesday to help
catching the missing bugs that should be targeted to release. See for more information.

==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====

We are still trying to find the best time for this meeting. Something
along the lines of what the desktop team uses
( could be used to help
in the process.

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 20th at 15:00 UTC in

- --
Thierry Carrez
Ubuntu server team
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