UDS Information (Plenaries, etc)

Jorge O. Castro jorge at ubuntu.com
Thu Oct 8 22:46:51 BST 2009

Hi everyone!

Hopefully you are not unfamiliar with the wiki home of the Lucid UDS:

Here you'll find links to the blueprints, schedule (when it's up), and
general information about the summit. I can see people have already
started to add local information, etc. There are two new sections I
would like to point your attention to: Plenaries and Handout.

Plenaries are 15-minute long talks given to the entire audience,
information about that is here:
Consider this a call for plenaries. We need good and interesting
talks, so please add to this page if you're willing to do one or
assign people to it, whatever works for you.

Another new thing this time around is the UDS Handout:
This is going to be a physical handout with UDS information on it. I
have started added things that should be on this booklet based on my
planning checklist from the past. However those of you who have
attended UDSes before probably have some insight on the kinds of
things we should have on here, so feel free to chip in. After I have
the bullets down I will actually start to expand the content, and then
this page will be transformed into something shiny. Track leads: The
"How to Run a Session" section hasn't seen an update in a while so if
you have anything you'd like to add there that would be appreciated.

Jorge Castro
jorge (at) ubuntu.com
External Project Developer Relations
Canonical Ltd.

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