Keyring password

( ``-_-´´ ) -- BUGabundo ubuntu at
Thu Mar 26 00:40:15 GMT 2009

Olá Matt e a todos.

On Wednesday 25 March 2009 13:21:30 Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> Can you agree that the following user experience is not ideal?
> 5. Ubuntu asks them for a new password they have never heard of
> Is there something else we could do to improve it, which would be better than what was suggested?

Again based on my FOSS  classes, users pretty much always question me about this, after setting up WiFi or the VPN.

From my POV this looks as another case of Education.
Better wording, a link Help local file (yelp) explaining *what* keyring is, would[1] improve this.

[1] yes this is theory, in reality at this point the user just wants to use the network, so the more popups or delays we input will just frustrate the user, and they will eventually leave a blank and insecure password

Hi, I'm BUGabundo, and I am Ubuntu (
Linux user #443786    GPG key 1024D/A1784EBB
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