Keyring password (Re: Installation report for UNR 20090324 on Acer Aspire One)

Loïc Minier loic.minier at
Wed Mar 25 16:05:48 GMT 2009

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> This seems perfectly reasonable to me; wifi passwords are not usually so
> sensitive that they need to be encrypted on disk.

 (Long term non-jaunty: )
 I think that's only ok if we shard the keyring-backed passwords into
 multiple keyrings and add a policy to store certain passwords in
 certain keyrings.  e.g. wifi passwords in the optional non-password
 protected keyring.  We could use the same trick as GConf which has a
 path of configuration repositories and uses the first writable one, but
 I think it would be more sensible to have a real policy similar to the
 policykit/consolekit policies.

 I don't think it's ok to plan to store all passwords in a non-protected
 keyring, that gives a false sense of security.

Loïc Minier

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