Versioning of no-change rebuilds

Jordan Mantha laserjock at
Sun Mar 22 23:43:06 GMT 2009

2009/3/22 Cody A.W. Somerville <cody-somerville at>:
> Hello,
>  I've noticed recently that a very large number of rebuilds have been
> versioned by incrementing the Ubuntu revision instead of appending buildX. I
> was wondering if there was discussion on this that I had missed or if a
> number of folks lately had simply forgotten to use the correct convention?
> As I recall from reading the source of tools such as MoM, they specifically
> look for buildN like they look for ubuntuN.

You mean they're going from -X to -Xubuntu1 instead of -Xbuild1 ? If
an ubuntu revision already exists, bumping the ubuntu revision for a
rebuild is expected but should not be used if an ubuntu revision does
not exist.


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