integrating apt-listbugs with

Tim Webster tdwebste at
Fri Jun 26 10:17:11 BST 2009

On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 5:19 AM, Colin Watson<cjwatson at> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 03:24:19PM +0800, Tim Webster wrote:
>> What next?
>> Grap the bugs.launchpad code and add package version tags.
> This was part of the original design for Launchpad Bugs (I should know;
> I was involved in producing that design some time around the time when I
> implemented version tracking in debbugs, back in the early days when
> there wasn't really much of an Ubuntu distribution for me to upload to),
> but it never came to fruition. The very earliest bug still open on
> Launchpad Bugs asks for this:
>> Where to please and who to submit patches to?
> LP will be open source in a couple of months. I expect this to be fairly
> hard work to add, though.

Thx, but not as helpful as hoped.

I don't want to wait 2 months only to find out that it is too hard add
the essential package version information to ubuntu bug tracking.

How can I start this now before I get swept away by another project?

If  adding bug package version tracking to launchpad is too hard, then
I would be forced to consider ubuntu derivative using debian bts.

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