ANN: Kernel Mode-Setting for Intel Graphics

Sjors Gielen mailinglist at
Wed Jun 24 01:38:41 BST 2009

Bryce Harrington wrote:
> Hi all,
> Today we've switched kernel mode-setting on by default for Intel
> graphics, a change which arrived with the 2.6.30-10.12 kernel.

This is great! I love the idea behind kernel mode-setting, and can't
wait to try it.

> What about ATI and Nvidia owners?  Kernel mode-setting for the -ati open
> source driver is currently in progress, and is available in PPAs for
> technically brave users to try out.  For other hardware and other
> drivers, we're still waiting on upstream development to mature further,
> and providing what help where we can.

However, in this piece, you ask the question "What about ATI and NVidia
owners?" - You're answering it shortly for ATI, and then generally for
all others. I've done my bit of reading on KMS, and found out Nouveau, I
think a fork of the FOSS NVidia 'nv' driver, will be used by default in
Fedora 11, and it also supports kernel mode-setting. Will Nouveau be set
as the default in Karmic, or will you wait, as you say, "on upstream
development to mature further"? Is there anything you can say about this?

> Thanks go to apw and the kernel team for wrangling all the patches,
> and to the ubuntu-x team and community members who have been testing
> out this new stuff the past few months.

A thanks from me too!


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