(A tentative list of) One Hundred Paper Cuts

David Siegel david.siegel at canonical.com
Tue Jun 23 21:23:33 BST 2009

Here is a tentative list of 100 paper cuts for Karmic, divided into 10 
weekly milestones of 10 paper cuts each (some milestones contain an 
additional Kubuntu paper cut):


Many of these paper cuts call for trivial patches, requiring little 
design consideration or user testing. Some of the paper cuts would 
benefit from the involvement of the Design and User Experience team, so 
the milestones outline a schedule for Design team participation.

Guide to paper cut statuses:

  Confirmed:  the bug has been reported as a paper cut and was checked 
at least once against paper cut criteria.
  Triage:        the bug has design feedback on it, and is ready to be 
worked on.
  Incomplete: please mark a bug incomplete (with a comment) if you think 
it is not a paper cut, or something else is wrong.
  Invalid:       the bug is not a paper cut, and should be replaced 
within its milestone. Please mark incomplete and discuss before marking 

In progress, fix committed, etc. mean what they usually mean.

If you feel like fixing a paper cut, please assign it to yourself. If 
you can conduct user testing or other research, that would really help 
make progress on the trickier paper cuts. Some people have been blogging 
about paper cuts and conducting user testing via their readers or 
informal surveys in the comments (http://www.ivankamajic.com/?p=143). 
Others are busy writing patches.

We are trying to fix 
https://edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+milestone/round-1 for 
Friday and we're making great progress!


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