Launchpad translation credits

David Planella david.planella at
Mon Jun 22 18:35:36 BST 2009

El dl 22 de 06 de 2009 a les 18:17 +0300, en/na Jimmy Angelakos va
> Hi,
> It has come to our attention that Launchpad/Rosetta removes ALL
> translation credits from the .po files that are uploaded to it and
> replaces them with "Copyright (c) 2009 Rosetta Contributors and
> Canonical Ltd 2009".
> This is clearly unacceptable, how can we remedy this situation?
> Regards
> Jimmy

Hi Jimmy,

Could you be more specific about where you've seen this behaviour?

* On which translation?
* How exactly was the file changed?

This should in principle not happen, and if it did it is probably a bug.
This is how Launchpad Translations works regarding translator credits
and copyright notices:

== Copyright notice ==

This is customarily included in a comment at the beginning of the PO
file. Examples:

For an Ubuntu package:

 # Catalan translation for ubuntu-docs
 # Copyright (c) (c) 2006 Canonical Ltd, and Rosetta Contributors 2006
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the ubuntu-docs

For an upstream package:

# Evolution translation to Catalan.
# Copyright © 2000, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This copyright notice is preserved from the initial translation import,
and it is not modified. If e.g. the PO file was created in Launchpad
before it was ever created upstream, it will look like the first

Notice that this comment is only relevant for copyright purposes and it
is not shown in the UI.

== Translator credits ==

Translator credits refer to the names and e-mail of the contributors
which are put in the 'translator-credits' msgid of the PO file:

msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""
"Contributor 1's name <email at address>\n"
"Contributor 2's name <email at address>"

The translator-credits are automatically preserved by Launchpad, and
only extended with Launchpad contributors (if any). This is what it
looks like:

msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""
"Contributor 1's name <email at address>\n"
"Contributor 2's name <email at address>\n"
"Launchpad Contributions:\n"
"  Contributor 3's name\n"
"  Contributor 4's name\n"

This is what is normally shown in an application's 'About' dialog when
you click on the 'Credits' button.

I hope this clarification helps.

For further requests related to Launchpad, I would encourage you to use
the Launchpad users mailing list (CC'd on this e-mail).


David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

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