One Hundred Paper Cuts -- the first ten

Scott James Remnant scott at
Fri Jun 19 16:24:56 BST 2009

On Fri, 2009-06-19 at 10:08 -0500, David Siegel wrote:

> So what about Windows and Mac OS users who auto-login and are not 
> required to unlock their keyrings before joining their wifi networks? 
> Surely Mac OS stores encrypted wifi network passwords in a keychain 
> rather than in plain text, getting users on the network at login with 
> zero hassle. I know we've left paper cut land, but I'm just curious 
> about whether this is fixable, and, if it is fixable, what it would take 
> to fix it. This behavior has been reported 4 or 5 times within 
> hundredpapercuts.

The best way to fix this is to create an additional unencrypted keyring
and have Network Manager use that by default.

(gnome-keyring permits multiple keyrings, there's "Login" and "Session"
 by default.  No reason not to add an "Insecure" or something.)

That's what Martin suggested, iirc.

Scott James Remnant
scott at
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