[ubuntu/karmic] splix 2.0.0-0.1ubuntu6 (Accepted)

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at ubuntu.com
Tue Jun 2 07:59:30 BST 2009

Hello Till,

Till Kamppeter [2009-06-01 18:35 -0000]:
> splix (2.0.0-0.1ubuntu6) karmic; urgency=low
>   * debian/control: Moved dependencies on cups, cups-client, and perl-base to
>     Pre-Depends:, as only this way it is assured that these packages are
>     configured (especially CUPS daemon running) before this package gets
>     configured (update of the PPDs of existing queues).

Please revert this. Pre-Depends are both intrusive and confuse apt,
and also absolutely unnecessary here.

A mere Depends: cups, cups-client is enough to ensure that those
packages get configured before splix. perl-base is essential, thus
does not need any dependency at all.


Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)
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