Stable GNOME updates, how could be do better?

Jason Taylor killerkiwi2005 at
Thu Jul 30 23:43:05 BST 2009

>Jason Taylor [2009-07-30  9:19 +1200]:
>> Indeed many packages could be updated with very low risk.. a package
>> like supertux should not have the same risk as x-org...
>Right, but for the very same reason (many people use/need it) we also
>tend to update much more often than supertux :)

 But *users* would like to get updates to packages like super tux
 especially for say the games category, which is the whole reason for
 some thing like getdeb / playdeb, they are filling a need that ubuntu
 is currently not

 "Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely
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"Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely
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